All posts by Mindful tester

DRY or Don’t Repeat Yourself – part 2

One evening I had a wrap on my plate. Then I took a modest amount of vegetarian filling. My wife noticed this:
“No wonder you can eat three wraps.”


My wife improved my meal with this single remark. The more filling, the better. Lucky for me, she did it, before I would eat my wrap. These small things add up.

In software development improving the code is called refactoring. The first step is to notice something wrong, which is followed by using the right solution.

Let’s go back to the wraps. My wife saw, that I did not put enough filling on my wrap. Then her solution was more filling.

Refactoring in practice

After hours of programming, I had a test scenario for the Cinema VIP app, where the number of Colas was increased because of the Desert scene in Monsters Unlimited.

Some steps from the scenario were:

  • order 1 Cola in the Drink and Snack page,
  • go to the next page,
  • regret my choice, (I did not code this, but it adds to the flavor.)
  • go back to the Drink and Snack page,
  • change the number of Colas to 2 in the Drink and Snack page, and
  • go to the next page.

Changing lines

A note for the screen reader users: characters like parentheses, dot, and braces are used in the code. It is advised to change the interpunction and symbol level before reading the code.

Then it was time for me to have a close look to the code. The line of code to find the text field with the number of Colas was used twice. First I set it to 2 and later to 1. Every time the Snack and Drink page was opened, the text field must be found again.

In my code I found the following line twice.

WebElement numberOfColasTextfieldSnackAndDrinkPage = 

This means: find the text field with the name 4958495.

I had to change this, so I added the following line:

public static final String NUMBER_OF_COLAS_TEXT_FIELD =

This means: NUMBER_OF_COLAS_TEXT_FIELD is 4958495.

Then I changed both lines to find the text field.

WebElement numberOfColasTextfieldSnackAndDrinkPage = 

This means: find the text field with the name NUMBER_OF_COLAS_TEXT_FIELD.

I had severe doubts about NUMBER_OF_COLAS_TEXT_FIELD. In my test scenario several windows were used. There was only 1 Number of Colas Text Field in the whole application. On the other hand every page had an OK button. Using OK_BUTTON is an accident to happen.

So I changed OK_BUTTON in the Drink and Snack Page to OK_BUTTON_DRINK_AND_SNACK_PAGE. So I used

In this case I used refactoring to make sure, that my test automation would still work. I like code which is easy to read and change.

Time for some reflection

I noticed the recurring lines of code. This would lead to code which would be difficult to maintain. I remembered DRY or Don’t Repeat Yourself.

My solution was to use a single line of code to determine the name of the Number of Colas Text Field. If the name would change, then I had only to change this line of code.

Page Object Model

A few weeks later I had 3 scenarios with the Drink and Snack Page containing the same lines:


This means:

  • order 1 Cola
  • order 1 potato chips
  • press the OK button.

These same lines of code in 3 different test scenarios did not feel quite right to me. Repeat after me: Don’t Repeat Yourself. There was still too much repetition.

I already used objects for the web elements. Then a tester introduced me to the Page Object Model. I looked at her code and saw less lines of code to do similar things.
“Why did you tell me this before?”
“First you have to get comfortable with the normal way of coding.”
She got a point.

The Page Object Model or POM makes objects for complete pages. So the Drink and Snack page was an object.

My test scenario contained the following actions:

  • select the movie in the Movie Page.
  • select the drink and snack in the Drink and Snack Page.
  • confirm the made options in the Confirm Order Page.

The first 2 steps I programmed as follows:

MoviePage moviePage = homepage.selectMovie();
DrinkAndSnackPage drinkAndSnackPage =
  moviePage.confirmMovie("Monsters Unlimited");
ConfirmOrderPage confirmOrderPage = 

This code was more readable than all those detailed lines of code. This also saved me a lot of space.

I put all the code for the web elements of the Drink and Snack Page in the following method:

public ConfirmOrderPage selectColaAndPotatoChips();
  WebElement numberOfColasTextfield = 
  WebElement numberOfPotatoChipsTextfield = 
  WebElement okButton = 
  return ConfirmOrderPage(driver);

In the meantime I could not resist another refactoring. I put all the code for the Snack and Drink Page in one Java file. So all mentioned web elements in this file are on this page. So I renamed NUMBER_OF_COLAS_TEXT_FIELD_DRINK_AND_SNACK_PAGE to

Cliffhanger coming up

At the end I used DRY or Don’t Repeat Yourself. Less copied lines meant less problems. It was time to hit the wall again.

To be continued.

DRY or Don’t Repeat Yourself in test automation – part 1

This month my wife thought that it would be a great idea to make wraps. She looked on the internet and found a good recipe.

The case of 3 recipes

Do you have a copy for me?

Suppose one of my kids would like to make wraps at a friend’s place. The kid copies the recipe for the wrap and the vegetarian wrap filling. Some weeks later I have to make wraps with minced meat filling. So I copy the recipe for the wrap and the wrap filling.

At that moment there are 3 recipes in use. There is no problem, because the wraps are still tasty.

Any updates?

Now imagine the following situation.
One evening I get a call from one of my kids.
“What is the bottle in the third row and second column?”
I open the drawer and pick the bottle.
“It is the sunflower oil.”
“Thanks, dad. Now I can continue with the wraps.”
“Wait, did I not use the right one?”
“Mom told my friend and she wrote down the change.”
“Then you already know, that mom adds an extra spoon of oil.”
“Wait. What did you say, dad?”

Don’t Repeat Yourself

The more copies you make, the more things you have to watch. Especially, if things change. Now I could assign a task to myself to update all the 3 recipes all the time. That sounds to me as a part time job. I would rather spend that time on cooking.

In software development DRY or Don’t Repeat Yourself is used to avoid these kinds of mistakes. The more code I copy, the more I need to update in case of a change. This is part of my job. It would be great, if I could reduce these changes to a minimum.

Change the right field

In the following story the companies and products have been obfuscated.

After a few weeks of coding, I had test automation in place for the VIP Cinema App. In most scenarios the order page for the drink and snack was used.

In one test scenario I would order a drink and snack and go to the next page. Then I would go one page back and change my order. The desert scene in Monsters Unlimited is so good, that people get thirsty. I definitely needed 2 drinks.

A note for the screen reader users: parentheses, at symbol, dot, and double quote are used in the code. It is advised to change the interpunction and symbol level before reading the code.

Don’t Repeat Yourself or DRY in practice

Now I had several lines in my code to change the number of Colas on the drink and snack page. The first line of Java code looked like

WebElement NumberOfColasTextfieldSnackAndDrinkPage = 

This means: find the text field with the name 4958495.

The second line of Java code was:


This means: enter “1” in the Number of Colas in the text field on the Snack and Drink Page.

The third line of Java code was:


This means: enter “2” in the Number of Colas in the text field on the Snack and Drink Page.

DRY in more details

For my code I used Java. This is an object-oriented programming language. The Number of Colas text field in the Snack and Drink Page is an object, which I used for test automation.

A test scenario would only contain the following code once:

WebElement NumberOfColasTextfieldSnackAndDrinkPage = 

The code to make this text field was written once instead of twice. I did not repeat myself. In this particular DRY or Don’t Repeat Yourself was not applicable.

Ready for the change

For me and other people 4958495 is not related to a Number of Colas text field. It makes the code hard to read.

I assumed, that the development environment had assigned a random number to each web element. Luckily it was a unique number, so my text automation code would work at that moment.

If a developer would change something in the Snack and Drink Page, then the random number or change might also change. this would result in broken test automation code. That is the bad part of my job.

The best way to identify the text field was to use id. id is short for identity. id is an attribute of the web element, which is used to identify it.

I talked to another tester, who agreed with me. The programmer should change the code for the text field. In turn I would have to change my test automation code:

WebElement NumberOfColasTextfieldSnackAndDrinkPage =
 driver.findElement(By.xpath(contains(@id, “NumberOfColasTextField”));

If the name would change to some other random number, the id would be the same.

A cliffhanger at your request

The code with the name attribute looked good enough for me, but there was still too much repetition.

To be continued.

XML Injection For Beginners

Suppose I sent one of my kids to the supermarket with a shopping list. Afterwards I got all the things on the list and the change. How would I know that everything went right?

If there was a discount on an article, then I would get more money back. Or my loyalty card could have been used to get free candy.

The best way is to look at the bill, the money, and the bought items. This is audit in a nutshell.

If you use a screen reader, please configure the screen reader to read interpunctions and symbols aloud.

XML uses special characters like the greater sign (>) and the less than sign (<).

Info about XML basics

The problem with an experience report is, that I make huge jumps in my thoughts. So I put in some chapters with more details. For people unfamiliar with XML, I put “Info about” in the title.

Let me introduce an imaginary small company.
Grey Pizza Pasta is an Italian restaurant which recycles pizzas in pasta. To make it special the pasta is grey for some special reason. It began as a joke and now it is a business.

A big scoop of pasta will cost 3 Euro. What is a scoop?
If it looks like a spoon, can I put a top of pasta on it? What kind of tool can I use to measure it? How do you determine the right amount of pasta?

Mister Grey would like make a row of pasta on the shelf, but which are the first and last ones? How could you tag them?

Maybe it would be better to make small heaps of pasta. The space between the heaps is like a boundary. The pasta between the spaces has been weighted.

According to Wikipedia XML or eXtensible Markup Language is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.

In XML a heap of pasta could be described as follows:


<heap> is called a begin tag. You might call it a starting point.

  • It starts with< or smaller than sign.
  • heap is the description, what it represents.
  • > or greater than sign ends the tag.

</heap> is called an end tag. You might call it an end point. It almost looks like the begin tag. Only a forward slash or / is used before heap.

So everything between <heap> and </heap> is contained in the heap. This is called an element in XML. <heap>pasta</heap> can be described as a heap of pasta.

Is every tag name allowed?
Not really, because it must be defined in an XML Schema. In most cases an XML file can be read using common sense or domain knowledge. The last one is knowledge about the product or service being offered.

It is very important to write the end tag.

<heap>pasta chocolate milk

would be converted to a heap of pasta, chocolate, and milk. This is a tough one to imagine. Even for me.

Maybe Mister Grey would have intended a heap of pasta, a heap of chocolate, and a cup of milk.

This would lead to the following code:


Even a kid can imagine these things.

Stumbling over XML

The following story is based on a real story. All references to real companies have been changed.

During a regression test I was requested to look at the audit log. So I opened the VIP Cinema app and bought a ticket for Monsters Unlimited, Potato chips, and a Cola.

My next step was to look at the audit log. I opened the file and saw plain English. So it was easy to understand. It contained my movie ticket, my snack, and my drink.

Being curious I scrolled down. The se­­­­cond part of the file contained XML or Extensible Markup Language. And my head filled with one big question mark.

  <name>potato chips</name>

At least I recognized my bought items. I ordered 1 cola. The quantity is 1, so qty is short for quantity. So the quantity is shown between <qty> and </qty>.

Now I had an audit log with the first part in plain English and the second part in XML. It looked like that the XML was translated to plain English for the audit. If an auditor would read this, then she or he would understand what happened.

I wanted to test my assumption, that the XML was translated to plain English.

Info about nesting XMl elements

There is a problem with the heaps of pasta. It looks nice, but people would like to have a box or bag containing pasta. Mister Grey being minimalistic again wanted to make a grey paper box. The colour grey was chosen was for an obvious reason.


This XML code is quite confusing. What does the box contain actually? What is the weight of the content of the box? What are the ingredients?

This could lead to the following XML code

<weight>230 gram</weight>
<ingredients>flour, salt, water, cheese, tomato sauce, pepperoni</ingredients>

Looking at the shelf I would expect to see a box, a weight, and ingredients. But there is only a box on the shelf.

In XML it is possible to nest elements in other elements. E.g. on the box a name of the product, a weight, and ingredients are shown.

  <weight>230 gram</weight>
  <ingredients>flour, salt, water, cheese, tomato sauce, pepperoni</ingredients>

SQL Injection

My Inner Exploratory Tester woke up. I looked at the code and saw <remarks>. Remarks are used for extra information, which contains requests from the customer.

I would like my Cola in a special cup by adding “a cup with a blue furry print” in the Remarks field.

SQL or Structured Query Language is frequently used language to change data. My order would be like:
“Computer, add 1 ticket for Monster Unlimited, 1 Potato chips, and 1 Cola to my order.”

Remarks can also be used by hackers for bad things. I remembered SQL injection. A hacker could add the command in the Remarks Field:
“Computer, add 1 lemonade to my order.”
On my arrival in the cinema I get a free lemonade. This is SQL injection in a nutshell.

SQL injection is adding SQL code which will add wrong information to the system. In turn this can be misused.

SQL is a language like XML. So the injection should also be possible with XML.

Info about adding code

This was the code I would like to modify.


If I would enter “XML code” in the Remarks field, then the following code would be generated:

  <remarks>XML code</remarks>

Now I used known XML code to put in the Remarks field. This piece of code has the right structure.

  <name>potato chips</name>

If I would put the XML code for the potato chips in the remarks element of the cola, then I would get something like:

      <name>potato chips</name>

The program would try to match begin tags with end tags.

If an end tag is found, then it will be matched with the corresponding begin tag before it.
A simple case is the following line:


</qty> is an end tag. The first begin tag is <qty>. qty or quantity is 1, because 1 is between the <qty> and </qty>.

Now it was time to match <item> with the right </item>.

      <name>potato chips</name>

The code had 2 elements: an element about cola and an element about potato chips. Let me try to tell me what this means: 1 cola has remarks containing 2 potato chips. This looked promising. Let’s have a closer look at the Remarks element of the cola Item element.

    <name>potato chips</name>

Is it possible that a Remarks element has a nested item element?
Probably not. Most of the time this is bad syntax and the XML code will not be processed. A Remarks field should contain text and should not nest elements in XML.

Info about writing the proper code

This section has been added to illustrate my train of thoughts which took a few seconds during the test. It took me some time to get the experience for writing the XML code.

What I wanted to order

For my test I wanted to change the XML code. I really wanted to have this piece of XML code in the audit log:


My first order attempt

A Remarks field can contain text. So the first line in the remarks field would be </remarks>. I marked this with the line:

<!-- Begin added code -->

This is a XML comment with the text ” Begin added code “. A program which processes XML code, will ignore this line. Comments are useful for programmers and testers.

  <!-- Begin added code -->

Time for trial and error. I had to select a piece of code, I picked the line before to the line with a remarks begin tag. I marked this with the line <!– End added code –>. This is also an XML comment.

    <!-- Begin added code -->
    <!-- End added code -->

My thought was to put the following text in the Remarks field:

<!-- Begin added code -->
    <!-- End added code -->

In turn this should lead to the following code:

    <!-- Begin added code -->
    <!-- End added code -->

But the generated code was different:

  <!-- Begin added code -->
    <!-- End added code -->

I noticed that <remarks> under the line <!– End added code –> was not contained in the generated code. I counted only 1 <remarks> instead of 2 <remarks> or begin remarks tag.

At that moment there was only 1 proper pair of <remarks> and </remarks>. This was wrong. For good XML code the number of begin tags is equal to the number of end tags.

My second order attempt

Another trial and error. I could choose the line before the line with the end tag of remarks.

  <!-- Begin added code -->
   <!-- End added code -->

A simple way to determine whether the XML code is right, that the piece of code has the same number of end tags as the number of begin tags:

<!-- Begin added code -->
<!-- End added code -->

For people with more time on their hands, there are other ways to derive the code.

XML injection in action

Because of the desert scene of Monsters Unlimited, visitors usually order extra drinks. I had the right XML code for this purpose:

<!-- Begin added code -->
<!-- End added code -->

In order to show the use of this code I added the XML comment with “Begin added code” or <!– End added code –>.

I placed this code in the Remarks field of my Cola order and the App made the following XML code:

  <!-- Begin added code -->.
  <!-- End added code -->.

This XML injection led to the following piece in plain English in the audit trail:
1 cola
1 lemonade

I was quite pleased with my successful data manipulation on my first try. For the price of 1 cola I got 1 cola and 1 lemonade according the audit log. Two drinks for the price of one.

In the cinema I only would get a cola. This was the only drink in my order. The lemonade mentioend in the remarks was not included in the order. But a lemonade was still in the audit log.

What is the deal?
In this case someone would have a lemonade for free. The drink was already included in the log.

What would happen, if an expensive collectible gold cup is added to my order?
Someone could take this cup home for free. One cup for the price of none.

Solutions to prevent XML injection

As a tester I had two solutions:

  1. Limit the number of characters in the Remarks field.
    This way the bad XML code would be reduced or even prevented.
  2. Train the employees of the cinema.
    If they could detect strange text in the Remarks field, then there was a chance on an attack of a hacker.

The developers were quite strict: prevent the use of < and > in the Remarks field.

If you use a screen reader, please set the screen reader to the normal reading mode.


Data is not about what is stored, but how it is used,

XML injection is adding XML code which will add wrong information to the system. In turn this can be misused.